It can be overwhelming to find so many different websites, books and products that offer ideas on child discipline. There is no single right way to discipline children, but there are many techniques that have been proven to work.

It’s crucial to find credible information based on best parenting practices when you are trying to solve your child’s behavioral problems.

Effective discipline can be achieved by family, friends, family counsellors and your child’s doctor. It can be difficult to determine which discipline techniques will work best with your child. Try these parenting experts’ tested discipline techniques if you want to find proven techniques. Find out more about 10 of the top parenting experts.

Best Parenting Advice

Ten parenting experts have shared their top parenting tips to help you find the best discipline strategy for your child. What they said:

  • Your child can be angry with you
  • Respect your child and treat them with respect
  • Take a look at the bigger picture
  • Effective Instructions
  • Natural consequences
  • Together, solve problems
  • Discipline is not punishment, but a way to learn.
  • Praise good behavior
  • Consistency is key.
  • Misbehavior is a sign that your child may have a problem.

It’s Okay for Your Child to Be Mad at You

“Be a child, not a buddy. You cannot be afraid of being the bad guy. You might get angry at times with your child. You have to deal with it. It’s better to have a kid who is annoying than the alternative. Allow him to fail. How can you expect him ever to learn to deal with the ups and downs of life if you do not? Everyone is not successful in everything. “Sometimes, failure is necessary to achieve success.”

Respect Your Child

“Do not abuse or hit your children: They learn from you. Being abusive or hitting them teaches them how to deal with conflict using aggression and meanness. Take a break and leave the room if you are feeling angry. Come back later with a plan of discipline. Explain that you lost your temper and express how you regret it. “A firm, even angry, but measured tone will be more effective than sounding vindictive and out of control.”

Take a look at the big picture

Don’t focus too much on your child’s daily moods and behaviors once they reach the teenage years. You should remind yourself frequently that your teenager is soon going to be able leave the home and decide whether or not he/she wants to stay emotionally attached to you for the rest your lives. “The more you work to build a democratic relationship with your teen, the more they will appreciate and like you in the future.”

Give Effective Instructions

If you need to repeat the same message to your child repeatedly, you’re training them to ignore it.

Natural Consequences

If possible, “Use the natural consequences. Some parents feel that they must punish their children for misbehavior or mistakes, rather than let life take its course. Let your child get cold if he refuses to wear his coat. If your child doesn’t clean his room, you can let him lose his toys. We don’t trust natural consequences and so we engineer them. For example, we take away TV or video games. Over time, they can have an effect on behavior.

Solve problems together

” Problem solving must replace punishment to foster responsible and respectful behavior among children and adults. It is a tactic of coercion and manipulation used to make children do what you want. This does not develop empathy or character. Bullies are created by this method. Children don’t learn by fear or force. It is their unacceptable behavior that tells us they have a problem.

Use Discipline, not Punishment to Teach.

Understand the meaning of discipline. Teaching and education are more important than punishment or threats. Explain to your child why the limit is necessary. Imagine yourself as a teacher. You can help them to understand that it is for their benefit and well-being. Respect opens the door to your child’s cooperation.”

Give Praise to Good Behavior

It may be hard to believe, when you are struggling with your children, but they really want to please you. The pride a child feels when they receive praise by their parents is unmatched. The desire to please parents can last into adulthood.

Be Consistent with Discipline

“Be consistent. Inconsistent discipline can actually reinforce negative behaviors because your child will keep trying in the hopes that this time he won’t get in trouble.”

Consider misbehavior a sign that your child has a problem

“The problem with the child is that there is something he wants or needs, but doesn’t know what else to do other than misbehave. A parent is often concerned about the behavior of their child. Unfortunatelly, parents usually start by solving their own problems and never get around to solving that of the child.

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